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Analytical Reports
MADANI Assessment on Youth in Civil Society

MADANI Assessment on Youth in Civil Society

The findings in this assessment should guide MADANI’s civil society partners, and the project itself, toward a better understanding on how we might strategically engage with Indonesian youth, encouraging them to actively participate in public life, empowering them to identify and prioritize challenges, and proposing innovative solutions that contribute to their communities’ democratic development.


Collaborative Governance Study Update

Collaborative Governance Study Update

The objective of this study is to update the July 2020 programmatic assessment on “Collaborative Governance in Strengthening Accountability and Tolerance in Decentralized Indonesia”.


Studi Programati MADANI tentang Mobilisasi Sumber Daya dan Keberlanjutan Keuangan OMS Lokal di Indonesia

Studi Programati MADANI tentang Mobilisasi Sumber Daya dan Keberlanjutan Keuangan OMS Lokal di Indonesia

MADANI conducted this study to understand the evolution of existing and new forms of resource mobilization and financial sustainability practices of local Civil Society Organizations (CSOs). This programmatic study seeks to answer MADANI’s questions related to the process of managing resource mobilization in Indonesian CSOs and the challenges faced when implementing resource diversification.

Penggalangan Sumber Daya OMS Mitra Utama MADANI: Hasil Pemetaan Cepat

Penggalangan Sumber Daya OMS Mitra Utama MADANI: Hasil Pemetaan Cepat

The purpose of this rapid survey is to map and collect data on the extent to which MADANI’s Lead Partner CSOs have made efforts to raise financial resources – before partnering with MADANI until the time the project carried out this rapid survey. The mapping also helps Lead Partner CSOs in developing and implementing fundraising strategies within the project timeframe.

Laporan  Survei Persepsi CSO atas Program Pemerintah dalam Penanganan COVID-19, Maret 2021

Laporan Survei Persepsi CSO atas Program Pemerintah dalam Penanganan COVID-19, Maret 2021

Survei ini dimaksudkan untuk mengetahui persepsi OMS tentang keberadaan, kualitas, dan kanal informasi protokol kesehatan, layanan kesehatan, media kontak, dan insiden COVID-19; peran serta masyarakat; bantuan sosial; dan; rekomendasi OMS atas semua program tersebut. Survei juga memotret dampak pandemi terhadap ketahanan OMS, implementasi program dan adaptasi OMS selama pandemi, keuangan, serta kontribusi OMS dalam mengatasi dampak pandemi. Survei dilakukan terhadap 157 OMS yang merepresentasikan berbagai bidang kerja dan wilayah OMS di Indonesia. Penggambilan data dilakukan selama Agustus-Oktober 2020.





Laporan Survei Warga Layanan Pemerintah Selama Pandemi COVID-19, Maret 2021

Laporan Survei Warga Layanan Pemerintah Selama Pandemi COVID-19, Maret 2021

INFID dengan dukungan MADANI melakukan penelitian untuk mengumpulkan persepsi warga mengenai layanan pemerintah terhadap pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan metode survei warga kuantitatif, menggunakan data hasil wawancara, dan kuesioner. Populasi untuk survei telepon dengan sebanyak 2.200 responden. Penggambilan data dilakukan di 34 provinsi selama tiga bulan, yaitu Agustus-Oktober 2020.
