Civil society organizations in the Province of Banten have historically had limited opportunities to engage and participate in the region’s development process. On December 16, 2021, through the initiation of MADANI’s Provincial Support Partner PATTIRO Banten, the Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Banten (“Banten Civil Society Coalition”) hosted the first episode in a ground-breaking podcast series designed to alter that historical trend. The purpose of the podcast is to engage government, communities, and other actors and help find solutions to the province development challenges. The coalition’s twenty-nine local CSOs represent a regional network of diverse peoples, groups, and interests in the province, and was born out of the need to create a tool for joint advocacy, networking, and virtual civic space. MADANI strengthens like-minded district and provincial civil society movements in West Java, Central Java, East Java, South Sulawesi, and West Kalimantan by harnessing the provincial support partner’s strong organizational capacity.