by Ari | Jun 30, 2023 | Newsletter
Check out MADANI’s highlights from June: MADANI co-hosted the fourth Indonesia Civil Society Forum 2023, a partner CSO was appointed to draft a guideline critical to primary healthcare in Pangkep, a provincial CSO coalition provided a set of recommendations for...
by Ari | May 30, 2023 | Newsletter
Check out the highlights from our civil society organization (CSO) partners in May – a civil society Jamboree in Banten to strengthen the capacity of CSOs, a MADANI-hosted seminar on the Organizational Performance Index, and the donation of an industrial-grade plastic...
by Ari | Apr 30, 2023 | Newsletter
Happy Eid Al-Fitr from MADANI! Check out the highlights from our CSO partners in April – an agreement to expand the revitalization of Village-owned Enterprises in Sumenep, a recognition to three MADANI districts in West Java for their achievements in regional...
by Ari | Mar 29, 2023 | Newsletter
Highlights from our CSO partners for March – a workshop that strengthens CSOs’ ability to create effective local regulations, a public deliberation on a newly proposed omnibus health law, a joint-assessment in Boyolali ahead of program scale-up, among others. Enjoy!...
by Ari | Feb 26, 2023 | Newsletter
Highlights from our CSO partners for February – a public hearing on maternal child health in Pekalongan, a peer learning experience between CSOs from Makassar and Bogor, and a USAID high-level roundtable with local CSO representatives, among others. Enjoy!
by Ari | Jan 29, 2023 | Newsletter
This edition features how MADANI Increases CSO professionalism and credibility with the West Java Provincial Government, elevates civil society’s advocacy ability by improving writing skills, and how MADANI support improves the mental well-being of pregnant women....