HomeNewsroomNews UpdatesCivil Society Successfully Advocates Sukabumi District Government to Improve 386 Youth Healthcare Centers

Civil Society Successfully Advocates Sukabumi District Government to Improve 386 Youth Healthcare Centers

Apr 7, 2022

The district of Sukabumi has the second highest number of stunting in West Java. Recognizing this issue, MADANI’s Partner CSO Sabadesa has successfully advocated for the involvement of youth at village healthcare centers.

Sukabumi's teenagers and youth will have the oportunity to participate in reducing stunting and maternal and infant mortality in their neighbourhood

Sukabumi’s teenagers and youth

On 31 March 2022, the head of the Sukabumi Government issued a circular letter stating their intention to improve the Integrated Youth Healthcare Centers (Posyandu Remaja) in all 386 villages throughout the region, using a model piloted by Sabadesa. This initiative will provide teenagers and youth with better access to health services, with the aim to reduce stunting and maternal and infant mortality rates. The Regional Planning and Development Agency (Bappeda) is pushing for a gradual rollout in 2022, prioritizing villages in the 13 sub-districts with the highest maternal mortality and stunting rates.