USAID-MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative’s Closing Event.

USAID-MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative’s Closing Event.

After almost five years of operation, on January 25, 2024, the USAID-funded MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative held its closing event in Jakarta. The all-day event brought together the project’s staff, USAID and Government of Indonesia representatives, local,...

Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Collaborative Governance

Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Collaborative Governance

The event featured presentations from resource speakers from the Indonesian Government and civil society organizations: M. Syawalludin, AP, M.Si, Head of BP3D, Boyolali Titik Sugianti, Director, Yayasan Bambu Nusantara, Madiun Sugiman, Project Manager, LKTS, Boyolali...

Knowledge Sharing on Civil Society Organizational Development

Knowledge Sharing on Civil Society Organizational Development

Executive Summary MADANI has applied the OPI organizational self-assessment tool throughout its 32 target districts. The two-hour event featured presentations by speakers from the City of Bogor Agency for National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol), and MADANI CSO...