This is the first concrete follow-up on the MoU signed on June 5, 2021 between KOMBES and the UNS university. 95 participants and students from UNS and KOMBES attended the first online class, that featured speakers from UNS, the Solo Pos newspaper and the SPEK-HAM training institute. UNS and KOMBES will develop a joint curriculum during the next year that focuses on violence against women, women’s reproductive health, and gender equality with support from SPEK-HAM and UNS
Gender Training for Local MADANI CSO Member in Solo, Central Java5
On June 11, 2021, civil society members of KOMBES, MADANI’s Learning Forum in the City of Solo (Central Java), participated in the first class of the “Gender School” (SekolahGender) organized by the State University of 11 March (Universitas Sebelas Maret or UNS)).