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Knowledge Sharing Seminar on Collaborative Governance

Jul 15, 2023

On July 11, 2023, USAID MADANI organized the second of a series of Civil Society Knowledge Sharing Seminars, with the topic “Collaborative Governance”.

The event featured presentations from resource speakers from the Indonesian Government and civil society organizations:

  • M. Syawalludin, AP, M.Si, Head of BP3D, Boyolali
  • Titik Sugianti, Director, Yayasan Bambu Nusantara, Madiun
  • Sugiman, Project Manager, LKTS, Boyolali
  • Insan Fahmi, ST, MM, Deputy Assistant, Community Participation Empowerment, KemenpanRB

For two hours, speakers discussed in-depth about their knowledge and experience on MADANI’s collaborative governance approach, which have resulted in increased trust and engagement among the key local stakeholders, and advanced solutions to address development issues in the region.
The seminar included discussions, Q&A session, and a networking lunch. The hybrid event, designed for NGOs, donors, selected ministries, and the extended NGO network was conducted at MADANI’s national headquarter in Jakarta. Twenty-six participants joined in-person with more than 65 people participated online via Zoom.