MADANI Partners Provide Training on Economic Recovery for Small Enterprises

Tangerang Enacts Regulation Guaranteeing Inclusive Education

Civil Society Pushes Local Government for more Inclusive Village Funds Allocation

Stories From the Field

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USAID-MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative’s Closing Event.

On January 25, 2024, USAID-MADANI Civil Society Support Initiative held its closing event in Jakarta attended by project staffs, USAID and Government of Indonesia representatives, local, provincial and national partner organizations, local government champions as well as other relevant stakeholders.

MADANI Talk Show at @america on Civil Society Support for Strengthening Primary Health Care

On January 18, 2024, MADANI organized a talk show at the @america venue on “Civil Society Organizations’ Support for Strengthening Community-Level Primary Health Care.”

Sintang Government Presents Awards to MADANI CSO Partners

On December 12, 2023, the Regent of Sintang in West Kalimantan presented awards to former MADANI CSO partners Swandiri Inisiatif Sintang (SIS) and the Sintang Learning Forum FORSTAR during the 2023 CSR and CSO Awards evening.

Knowledge Sharing on MADANI’s Experiences in Enhancing Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) for Local Civil Society Organizations.

On November 28, 2023, MADANI organized a hybrid knowledge sharing seminar, with 90 online and in-person participants, on the topic of gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) for local CSO partners.

MADANI Knowledge Sharing on Resource Mobilization for Civil Society Organizations.

On October 31, MADANI organized a hybrid seminar with around 80 participants, both online and in-person, on the topic of CSO resource mobilization with a focus on fundraising success stories from MADANI CSO partners.

The Government of Jember Recognizes MADANI Local Solution as a Pioneer for Healthy Youth Posts and the Best Youth Cadre

During the annual Posyandu Jamboree on October 25, 2023, the Regent of Jember (East Java) presented an award to Sumbersari sub-district for having the best Youth Posyandu (Posyandu Remaja, or Village Integrated Youth Health Post) in the district, and to Ms. Iswati, a member of MADANI’s FORJES Learning Forum, as the best Youth Posyandu cadre member.

East Java Provincial Government Organizes Dissemination of MADANI Good Practices

The East Java Province Agency for Regional Development Planning (BAPPEDA) is supporting USAID MADANI in strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations at the provincial level.

Local Governments Commit to Continue Collaboration with MADANI CSO Partners.

Collaborative governance brings together state and non-state actors and harnesses local knowledge to resolve complex development issues through collective decision-making.

USAID-MADANI Resource Strengthens Women’s Organizations in Banten.

To promote the sustainability of USAID-MADANI practices, MADANI’s former CSO partner in Serang (Banten), Aisyiyah Serang (Muhammadiyah’s women’s organization) is collaborating with the Banten provincial government and the provincial branch of the Women’s Organization Cooperation Agency (Badan Kerjasama Organisasi Wanita or BKOW) to promote MADANI’s Organizational Performance Index (OPI) to other women’s organizations in the province.

USAID MADANI Partners Collaborate with Local Government to Spur Economic Development

As part of a broader program to bolster the post-COVID economic recovery in the City of Madiun (East Java) in 2022, USAID MADANI’s CSO partner, Yayasan Bambu Nusantara (YBN), and the FORPEMMA Learning Forum piloted an initiative to support food vendor stalls in two urban neighborhoods.

Ensuring All Citizens are Properly Registered in the District of Barru, South Sulawesi

The program has worked to achieve this by developing clear procedures, promoting improved transparency of population data, and encouraging the staff of the Barru Agency for Population and Administration to be more responsive to citizen requests and provide better...

Mapping Village Boundaries by Involving Communities in Sintang, West Kalimantan

While a seemingly trivial issue, the impact is significant, as without clearly defined village borders, neither district nor village governments are able to adequately plan their development or respond swiftly to environmental challenges. The gray areas can also lead...

CSO Collaborates with District to Establish More Inclusive Villages for Vulnerable Groups

The inclusive village model is one of the Indonesian government’s top priorities for the utilization of Village Funds (Dana Desa), a national program that is instrumental in developing villages by bolstering the local economy and welfare of villagers. The inclusive...

MADANI Helps Lebak-based CSO Transform into a More Impactful Development Partner

Established in the 1990s, PPSW focuses on women’s empowerment and their issues related to the economy, education, and health. The organization works to improve the capacity of and access to resources for poor and marginalized women, as well as women with disabilities,...

District of Bandung Civil Society Expands Women’s Access to Community Healthcare Centers

Their participatory approach to advocacy work on addressing maternal child health (MCH) has resulted in closer relations with the district government on improving regulations related to MCH and women’s empowerment. Citizens’ lack of access to health service facilities...

CSO Professionalism in Malang Increases Credibility Among Public and Private Healthcare Stakeholders

Malang is one of the largest districts in East Java and has a high prevalence of maternal and neonatal mortality, and stunting. In 2021, Malang ranked fifth highest among 38 districts and cities in East Java Province with 36 maternal and 68 neonatal mortalities. The...

MADANI Partner Civil Society Boosts Women’s Involvement in Village Development

Aisyiyah is the women’s association of Muhammadiyah, which is the second-largest Islamic organization in Indonesia. Aisyiyah Sumedang, which works to address women’s and children’s issues, saw firsthand the limits of how women were participating in village...

Increased Organizational Capacity Elevates MADANI CSO to Trusted Development Partner in Sumenep

Due to their work with MADANI the local government’s perception of civil society organizations (CSOs) has improved, has and they have embraced Lakpesdam NU as a trusted development partner. Community development initiatives play an important role in alleviating...

Civil Society Actors Advance Inclusive Education in Singkawang

Over more than three decades, PKBI in Singkawang has demonstrated its ability to work effectively on matters pertaining to reproductive health. However, through their work with MADANI in recent years, they have also built new trust with the district government on...

Civil Society Establishes Multi-Stakeholder Approach to Waste Management in Gresik

Through their MADANI-supported activities, they have connected with the local communities and improved their legitimacy among key stakeholders. The economy of Gresik revolves around industry, with several important businesses having factories in the region, including...


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MADANI Project Report

July 2020


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Training on Learning Forum in Boyolali District in November 2020

Kick-Off Meeting in Boyolali

7 February 2021


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February – April 2022