Present were directors of the ten civil society organizations making up the KOMBES and senior staff at the Department of Sociology. The MoU has two main aims: to encourage the participation of sociology students in KOMBES and civil society activities in Surakarta, and for research staff to provide input into the evidence-gathering and research activities of KOMBES members. Several potential collaborations was explore, including how to more effectively ensure the use of urban community development funds (Dana Kelurahan) and promote the inclusion of people with disability in community development programs. The Department of Sociology also expressed interest in publishing a collection of impact stories of CSO activities in Surakarta to be collected by university students.
Home›Newsroom›News Updates›MADANI Lead Partner signs Memorandum of Understanding with State University in Surakarta, Central Java
MADANI Lead Partner signs Memorandum of Understanding with State University in Surakarta, Central Java
On June 5, 2021 at the State University of 11 March (Universitas Sebelas Maret or UNS) in Surakarta, Central Java, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Department of Sociology and the USAID-MADANI supported Learning Forum of Surakarta, KOMBES.