Talk show at @america on Civil Society Contribution to Support Primary Health Care Transformation.
The event was opened by Jeremy Meadows, the USAID/Indonesia DRG Director and Enilda Martin, USAID/Indonesia Health Office director with a keynote speech by Dr. Elvieda Sariwati, Director of Health Promotion and Community Empowerment at the Ministry of Health.
Since 2010, MADANI has supported CSO partners in 15 districts in five provinces to improve community-based health care services by mobilizing new community outreach to vulnerable populations, employing social accountability tools and empowering citizen feedback on service delivery, and advocating for a more responsive allocation of resources. At the talk show, four MADANI champions presented their experiences of strengthening primary health care services through community initiatives, specifically on maternal and child health, often revitalizing or expanding the Government of Indonesia’s own integrated primary health care initiatives. The event was attended by 99 participants in person, and 80 participants joined virtually through @america’s social media accounts.