MADANI News, Volume 17, June 2023
Check out MADANI’s highlights from June: MADANI co-hosted the fourth Indonesia Civil Society Forum 2023, a partner CSO was appointed to draft a guideline critical to primary healthcare in Pangkep, a provincial CSO coalition provided a set of recommendations for government assistance in villages in Banten, an innovative waste bank received a national award, a MADANI program on maternal and child health was replicated in Boyolali, and the MADANI-supported CSO Innovation Festival kicked off in Luwu Utara. Enjoy!

MADANI News, Volume 16, May 2023
Check out the highlights from our civil society organization (CSO) partners in May – a civil society Jamboree in Banten to strengthen the capacity of CSOs, a MADANI-hosted seminar on the Organizational Performance Index, and the donation of an industrial-grade plastic shredder by a state-owned company. Also, don’t forget to read our impact stories about increased government trust towards CSOs in Sumenep, and many more. Happy reading!

MADANI NEWS, Volume 15, April 2023
Happy Eid Al-Fitr from MADANI! Check out the highlights from our CSO partners in April – an agreement to expand the revitalization of Village-owned Enterprises in Sumenep, a recognition to three MADANI districts in West Java for their achievements in regional development, and a regulation on civil society governance enacted by the District of Lebak. Enjoy!

MADANI News, Volume 14, March 2023
Highlights from our CSO partners for March – a workshop that strengthens CSOs’ ability to create effective local regulations, a public deliberation on a newly proposed omnibus health law, a joint-assessment in Boyolali ahead of program scale-up, among others. Enjoy!

MADANI News, Volume 13, February 2023
Highlights from our CSO partners for February – a public hearing on maternal child health in Pekalongan, a peer learning experience between CSOs from Makassar and Bogor, and a USAID high-level roundtable with local CSO representatives, among others. Enjoy!

MADANI NEWS, Volume 12, November 2022 – January 2023
This edition features how MADANI Increases CSO professionalism and credibility with the West Java Provincial Government, elevates civil society’s advocacy ability by improving writing skills, and how MADANI support improves the mental well-being of pregnant women. Other stories include how MADANI learning forum celebrates International Day of Tolerance in Bogor City, and many more.

MADANI News, Volume 11, August – October 2022
MADANI is now moving into our final year in the field, with such activities scheduled to conclude in September 2023. This edition features how MADANI’s Partner CSOs utilizes collaborative governance approach to improve healthcare access for the poor in Pangkep District. In Boyolali, state-owned radio station promotes MADANI’s local solution on maternal and child health, while in Serang (Banten), women’s organization actively engages in decision-making in village development planning. Other news includes MADANI Partner CSO in Palopo scales up biowaste management local solution beyond its district, how collaboration between USAID projects maximizes USG investments to strengthen civil society and improve governance, and many more.

MADANI News, Volume 10, May – July 2022
This is the tenth edition of the bilingual MADANI News periodical newsletter. This edition features USAID MADANI’s local innovation on teenager healthcare expands its impact to schools in Sukabumi. Other highlights include The City of Bogor adopts USAID tool to build civil society organizations’ (CSOs’) legitimacy and accountability, Boyolali Government ensures the expansion of MADANI-initiated maternal and child health program, corporate social responsibility funds MADANI’s civil society program beyond the project lifecycle, peer learning inspires civil society partners to advocate for Singkawang City Government service improvement charter, USAID initiatives provide local CSO with a powerful tool to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality, MADANI Lead Partners provide training on economic recovery for small enterprises in Madiun, and many more.

MADANI News, Volume 9, February – April 2022
This is the ninth edition of the bilingual MADANI News periodical newsletter. This edition reports on the successful outcome of the 2022 Indonesia Civil Society Forum (ICSF), which was held on 30-31 March. Other news highlights include Brebes District’s plan to expand MADANI’s intervention to revitalize the community-based maternal child health program to all 292 villages, civil society success to advocate Sukabumi District to improve 386 youth healthcare centers, MADANI’s partnership with USAID ERAT in Banten to strengthen CSOs in the province, CSOs assessment of Madiun City’s service delivery towards small businesses, Islamic young women’s association in Bulukumba expands partnership with philanthropic organization, and many more.

MADANI NEWS, Volume 8, November 2021 – January 2022
This is the eighth of the bilingual periodic newsletter MADANI News. This edition showcase stories about our partner’s advocacy work in Bogor City that resulted in the city’s commitment to increase communal tolerance, a service charter with civil society commits local Tasikmalaya government to improve maternal and child health care, while in Banten, the provincial civil society coalition strengthens joint advocacy through landmark virtual civic space, and many more.