MADANI ended on February 28, 2024. Our stories and resources remain at your disposal. We hope you find them useful.

Impact Stories

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Spurred by PPO Daun Hijau advocacy, Barru government increased the budget to leverage civil administration service facilities, resulting in enhanced public services.

Ensuring All Citizens are Properly Registered in the District of Barru, South Sulawesi

The program has worked to achieve this by developing clear procedures, promoting improved transparency of population data, and encouraging the staff of the Barru Agency for Population and Administration to be more responsive to citizen requests and provide better...
MADANI Lead Partner facilitated a workshop funded by BAPPEDA on scaling up the application of the village boundary mapping model at the district level.

Mapping Village Boundaries by Involving Communities in Sintang, West Kalimantan

While a seemingly trivial issue, the impact is significant, as without clearly defined village borders, neither district nor village governments are able to adequately plan their development or respond swiftly to environmental challenges. The gray areas can also lead...
The Head of the Luwu Utara District, Ms. Indah Putri Indriani, visits a stand at the CSO Innnovation Festival in June 2023.

CSO Collaborates with District to Establish More Inclusive Villages for Vulnerable Groups

The inclusive village model is one of the Indonesian government’s top priorities for the utilization of Village Funds (Dana Desa), a national program that is instrumental in developing villages by bolstering the local economy and welfare of villagers. The inclusive...


MADANI Lead Partner, PRKI, provide empowerment to Islamic boarding school to optimize small enterprise management.

MADANI Lead Partner Use CSR for Capacity Building

September 2022


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March 2023