HomeNewsroomNews UpdatesSumenep District Government Expands MADANI’s Local Solution to Revitalize Village-Owned Enterprises

Sumenep District Government Expands MADANI’s Local Solution to Revitalize Village-Owned Enterprises

Apr 14, 2023

USAID MADANI supports CSO partner Lakpesdam NU and multi-stakeholder Sumenep Civil Society Forum (Masyarakat Madani Sumenep or MMS) to collaborate with the Sumenep district government (East Java) to effectively manage Village-owned Enterprises (BUMDes).

MMS Learning Forum representative (left) and the Head of the PMD Office (right) hold the signed agreement to replicate the BUMDes revitalization program in 10 more villages over two years with government funding.

MMS Learning Forum representative (left) and the Head of the PMD Office (right) hold the signed agreement to replicate the BUMDes revitalization program in 10 more villages over two years with government funding.

Since 2021, Lakpesdam NU has issued policy recommendations on how these enterprises can be better supported, advocated for the transparent use of Village Funds for BUMDes, and revitalizing the BUMDes through “BUMDes Service Charters” and community monitoring. On 13 April 2023, the Sumenep Village Community Empowerment Agency signed an agreement with Lakpesdam NU and the MMS forum to expand MADANI’s efforts in two pilot villages to strengthen BUMDes to 10 more villages using government funds. The BUMDes in these villages will develop their own BUMDes Service Charters, which serve as commitments between each BUMDes, a regional development bank, and youth and women’s organizations that also serves as a tool to enable citizens to monitor the BUMDes performance through holding them to account for to the approved service standards.