On May 16, 2023, MADANI partner CSOs PATTIRO Banten and PD Aisyiyah Serang – both members of the KMSB – led a workshop to improve CSO relationship and networking abilities through stronger organizational management. The workshop took place at the 2023 Banten CSO Jamboree, which was hosted by the Banten Province Regional Agency for National Unity and Politics (Kesbangpol) office. During the event, PATTIRO Banten and PD Aisyiyah promoted the use of the Organizational Performance Index (OPI) self-assessment tool, which measures performance and identifies steps for improvement. Attended by representatives of 130 organizations from four districts in the province, the event strengthened collaboration among the CSOs and with frontline agencies. MADANI partner CSOs’ leading role at the event illustrates the increased public trust in them, as well as the positive changes in their working relationship with the local government and civil society networks.
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USAID MADANI Partners Gain the Trust of the Banten Provincial Government and CSO Networks
Since 2021, the USAID MADANI-supported Banten Civil Society Coalition (Koalisi Masyarakat Sipil Banten or KMSB) has collaborated with the provincial government to strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) in Banten.