Key-note speaker was Ms. Yuni Chuzaifah, a two-term commissioner at the National Commission for Violence against Women (KOMNAS Perempuan), and its Chair 2010-2015. Panelists were resource persons from three of MADANI’s Lead Partner CSOs: SwandiriInstitute in Sintang (West Kalimantan), Gerakan Perempuan Peduli in Jember (East Java) and SAPA Institute in Bandung (West Java). Issues focused on how gender equity can be mainstream among Indonesian CSOs. The speaker agreed that the Government of Indonesia has issued many good gender-sensitive regulations and instruments, but they are seldom implemented by local government. There is a still lack a strong gender awareness at the local level, and a recent social conservatism risks to push equity and inclusion issues further to the background. MADANI will provide technical assistance to local CSOs partners on how they can make their programs more sensitive to women, youth and people with disability though a twin-track approach: mainstreaming gender equity and social inclusion in operations and programs, an implementing specific programmatic activities, such as a CSO women leadership program to be launched in July 2021.
Home›Newsroom›News Updates›USAID-MADANI Provides Gender Awareness Training by former Chair of the National Commission for Violence again Women to Civil Society Partners
USAID-MADANI Provides Gender Awareness Training by former Chair of the National Commission for Violence again Women to Civil Society Partners
On June 3, 2021, USAID-MADANI provided a half-day gender awareness training to local CSO partners in its targeted 32 districts, with more than 120 participants.